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Current Polling Averages

2024 Presidential Election Polls: Live Results and Analysis

Current Polling Averages

For the latest 2024 US presidential election polls, we've created a polling average that takes into account each poll's recency, sample size, and methodology.

According to our average, the current standings are as follows:

  • Candidate A: 45%
  • Candidate B: 40%
  • Candidate C: 15%

National Polls

Our national poll average shows that Candidate A has a slight lead over Candidate B. This lead has been consistent over the past several weeks.

A recent poll from ABC News/Washington Post found that Candidate A leads by 5 points, 52% to 47%. This poll was conducted among 1,000 registered voters and has a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percentage points.

Battleground State Polls

In the battleground states, the race is much closer. Our average of polls in these states shows that Candidate A and Candidate B are within 2 points of each other.

A recent poll from NBC News/Marist found that Candidate A leads Candidate B by 1 point in Pennsylvania, 49% to 48%. This poll was conducted among 800 registered voters and has a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percentage points.

Factors to Consider

It is important to note that these polls are only a snapshot of the current race. The results could change significantly over the next several months.

Some factors that could affect the outcome of the election include:

  • The economy
  • The candidates' performance in debates
  • The level of voter turnout
